A Growing Constellation of Anthology Authors!

We are so delighted to have more anthology authors on board our cross-genre debut anthology!

A Growing Constellation of Anthology Authors!

We are so delighted to have more anthology authors on board our cross-genre debut anthology!

This past week, we announced several new authors. You can read about all of them on the Posts portion of my Ko-Fi page, where I'm sharing these posts daily.

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Here is the constellation of authors we have so far:

As you can see, we have a stellar lineup already! In our first set, we announced Ai Jiang, Cavan Scott, Jonathan Maberry, Dennis K. Crosby, and D.K. Stone. In our second set, we announced Ren Hutchings, Eugen Bacon, Bonnie Burton, Paul Cornell, Cynthia Pelayo, and David Quantick. In our third set, we revealed KC Grifant, Renan Bernardo, Pedro Iniguez, Sarah L. Miles, Greg van Eekhout, and J.L. Worrad.

On Sunday, we'll begin a new week of author announcements as this anthology table of contents continues to advance. We think you'll be very excited about our upcoming announcements as well: we've got action, vampire, thriller, dark fantasy, science fiction, and horror writers yet to be revealed!

The stories we've already received are amazing, each as unique as the authors themselves, and we are honored and delighted to collect them into this fabulous anthology. Authors have until the end of August to submit their stories, but many already are.

We're at 29% funded, and any and all donations are most appreciated. Donation tiers begin at $5 and go on up, with increasingly terrific perks as they go! Read how you can help:

Publishing Imprint News and Opportunity
Jendia Gammon published a post on Ko-fi

We're exploring the idea of stretch goals after we've met our initial funding, and of other future funding opportunities that offer great perks.

What's Next

This Friday, we received the first draft of the cover art, and we already think it's great even at this early stage. The illustrator has worked with Big Five publishers, Sony, and other big brands, and we will have a gorgeous cover for this book.

The cover reveal, name of the book, and the name of the imprint will all be revealed in the professional publishing company website we are having built from the ground up. This happens in mid-July, a week before San Diego Comic-Con. This site will be a work of art in and of itself, and it is in good hands. After that, everything will ramp into high gear.

I'm already set up for some interviews about our imprint and this anthology. We foresee showcasing our authors who wish to participate in upcoming interviews and talks, as well as our having Instagram Live broadcasts. You might want to follow both me and Gareth on our Instagram accounts: @jendiagammon and @garethlpowell

Our publication date goal is February 11, 2025, ahead of both my and Gareth's individual books coming out in early 2025 as well. Busy early half of the year! We are seeking venues where several authors may participate in the launch in person.

This is only our first book. And while it is invite-only, future anthologies will have brief submission window openings. We're already planning themed anthologies, each representing the different individual genres we will publish in both anthologies, collections, and standalone novels/novellas/novelettes. We foresee graphic novels being on offer as well, down the road.

But we can't get there until we're funded! Do please spread the word. Every little bit helps!

Publishing Imprint News and Opportunity
Jendia Gammon published a post on Ko-fi

Thank you and ad astra!

Jendia & Gareth