A Quick Leap Day Hello

I am sitting on big news this week, and I hope to be able to share it before the week ends.

A Quick Leap Day Hello
Hi from my new TARDIS!

Hi all,

Happy Leap Day, all! Embrace the absurd today! Eat only round foods! Wear chartreuse and fuchsia like it's 1985! Dance like Elaine Bennes! And strike your cowbells 29 times!

Meanwhile, I am sitting on big news this week, and I hope to be able to share it before the week ends. But if not, likely next week! Yes, this is a Vague Publishing Hint.

As an additional hint to where the next chapters of my life are going, I've now joined Sisters in Crime and the International Thriller Writers. You are in for a thrilling time.

Does this mean I'm done with sci-fi, fantasy, and horror? FEAR NOT, THE OPPOSITE IS TRUE. Ever the watercolorist, whether with my many brushes or in writing, I'm blending genres in my next outing, which is something my readers will know I have done all along.

So if you like Michael Crichton, Christopher Golden, Laird Barron, Stephen Graham Jones, Jeff VanderMeer, Blake Crouch, and Victor Manibo, you're in for some fun...

And that's all I'll say for now.

Meanwhile, tonight, Gareth and I are going to see Dune Part 2. Can't wait! May the spice flow!

Stay tuned, and stay leaping! Anything goes on Leap Day!

Write on,