Anthology I'm In: Sley House Presents 2024
Hi all, heads up that I'm part of an upcoming anthology of horror tales, just in time for Halloween!

Hi all, heads up that I'm part of an upcoming anthology of horror tales, just in time for Halloween! I have my scary seaside tale "Protista" in this anthology alongside many great writers. The table of contents has now been publicly released.
The full list of authors: Mario Aliberto, Michael Betterndorf, Breanna Bright, Katrina Carruth, Michael Craigwell, David Cross, Rebecca Cuthbert, Adam Fall, Jendia Gammon, KC Grifant (who we're publishing in our own cross-genre anthology!), Tiffany Mok, Katrina Monroe, Emma Murray, Steven Neal, Eric Raglin, J. Brian Reed, Rachael Searcey, SJ Townend, Allison Wall, and Markus Williams.
I'm so proud to be in this book! You can preorder it directly from the publisher here:

Get your spooky on this Halloween! Note that Sley House is my publisher for Atacama, my thriller/horror/sci-fi novel out next May. It's great to be part of this publishing house, especially after meeting the team recently at StokerCon!
Write on!