Creative Rituals - Featuring Dennis K. Crosby

Welcome to my weekly feature "Creative Rituals", in which creatives talk about how they begin their creative day. Today I feature author Dennis K. Crosby!

Happy Saturday! Welcome to my weekly Substack feature on creatives and their rituals. This is an opportunity for creatives to talk about how they start their creative day, as well as give you more insight into their work. It’s a perfect opportunity to demystify the creative experience, and maybe even inspire!

Dennis K. Crosby - Author

Today’s guest creative is author Dennis K. Crosby!

Dennis K. Crosby signing books at Mysterious Galaxy Bookstore in San Diego, California.

What Do You Do to Start Your Creative Day?

Dennis K. Crosby’s writing setup at Lestat’s Coffee in San Diego.

My creative day starts with finding a coffee shop to go to. Thankfully, in San Diego, there is no shortage. My favorite is a place called Lestat’s. Thankfully, I don’t find myself distracted by the people or conversations, and the music is at a decent level, so I don’t get lost in it. I’ll typically order a 16oz Milky Way coffee (espresso, chocolate, vanilla, and caramel) and I’ll usually pair that with a plain bagel and cream cheese, or a sausage, egg, and cheese breakfast sandwich on a croissant. My goal in any writing session is a minimum of 1,000 words, but I usually average 1,500-2,000 words. When I’m done writing, I treat myself to something nice and relaxing. Most often that’s a movie, or a trip to the bookstore. For GREAT writing days of 2,500 words or more, I’ll treat myself to both.

The other ritual is treating myself after achieving a writing milestone. But we can talk about that next time. Cheers, y’all!

Creator Bio

Dennis K. Crosby is the multi award-winning author of the bestselling Kassidy Simmons Series (Death’s Legacy, Death’s Debt, and Death’s Despair). Since 2020, he has published three urban fantasy novels and nine short stories in the horror and supernatural thriller genres.

Dennis holds a Master's Degree in Forensic Psychology and a Master of Fine Arts Degree in Creative Writing. With experience in retail sales, private investigation, and social service, Dennis uses his knowledge and experience to craft compelling characters experiencing real world challenges against the backdrop of magical, supernatural, and mythological phenomena. He's been the subject of several interviews and podcasts, a guest speaker at many conferences, and a panelist at both WonderCon and Comic-Con International.

Dennis grew up in Oak Park, IL, and currently makes his home in San Diego, CA.


More from Dennis K. Crosby

The Kassidy Simmons urban fantasy series by Dennis K. Crosby.

Twenty years ago, Reaper of Souls Kassidy Simmons battled Azra-El, the Angel of Death and won—or so she thought.

Now, a number of strange and unexplained deaths are afflicting Kassidy’s quiet New York town. She wishes she didn’t care. But she does.

Her empathic abilities are expanding beyond her control, and the intense emotions are tearing apart her relationships. They’re also degrading the magical wards put in place to protect her from other Reapers and the even deadlier Wraiths—onyx-eyed henchmen of Azra-El.

Allied with her longtime mentor and a college professor with ties to her past, Kassidy learns that the untimely deaths are regenerating Azra-El, and that the only way to stop him is with the Scythe of Cronus, the legendary weapon of the God of Death.

To save her loved ones and reset the natural order, Kassidy must journey home and confront a past she’s been running from for two decades. She’ll face-off with enemies, old and new, and through a haze of fear and addiction, Kassidy will learn the secrets of her heritage, and challenge head on the one being she fears most—herself.​​

Thank you, Dennis, for being a guest!

Write on!