Creative Rituals - Featuring F. Anne Fischer

Welcome to my weekly feature "Creative Rituals", in which creatives talk about how they begin their creative day. Today I feature author F. Anne Fischer!

Happy Saturday! Welcome to my weekly Substack feature on creatives and their rituals. This is an opportunity for creatives to talk about how they start their creative day, as well as give you more insight into their work. It’s a perfect opportunity to demystify the creative experience, and maybe even inspire!

F. Anne Fischer - Author

Today’s guest creative is author F. Anne Fischer!

Author F. Anne Fischer.

What Do You Do to Start Your Creative Day?

My day starts with coffee, yoghurt (unless I really want pancakes), and a nice hot shower.  If it's nice out, sometimes I'll go to the park down the street from me and read for a bit. If not, I'll curl up in my blankets and watch a nice murder mystery if I'm not ready to write right away. Whatever it takes to get comfortable and clear my head. My writing space and my movie viewing space are both my couch. As far as my writing process, I'm a natural pantser, but have found that there's less work on the editing side of things if I do a bit of plotting, so I tend to just start writing whatever comes into my head but also keep a very loose outline of where I'm going next and where I ultimately want the story to end up. I need a quiet room to write, but will have music or a movie playing in the background when I edit so that my brain doesn't go looking for other distractions :)

F. Anne Fischer’s creative space.

Creator Bio

F. Anne Fischer’s magnificent cat, Agatha.

F. Anne Fischer is a biochemist by day, and author, poet, and dragon collector at night. She lives in Czechia with her very opinionated cat, Agatha, and visits the local castles as often as possible.

Her writing covers a range of topics, but a recurring theme is “what would really happen if you took these extraordinary creatures, and made them exist in the world as it currently is?” She hopes that her readers enjoy her take on it.

My debut novel, Immortal Revenge, is available at this link (Worldwide), or through my website (US & Canada only). I also have several short stories and poems on Vocal Media which you can access through my website, and also a newsletter (sign-ups also available through the website).

I am also working on a currently untitled novel in the vampire world, but set in the early 1800s in Europe (England, France, Prussia, Bavaria), about an accidental/illegal vampire named Tessa Taylor and her quest for legitimacy in a world that doesn't want her to exist.

Social Media accounts:


Instagram: @refractedcreative

Twitter/X: @RefractCreative

Facebook: The Refracted Creative

A park enjoyed by F. Anne Fischer.

More from F. Anne Fischer

Immortal Revenge by F. Anne Fischer

From Immortal Revenge:

400 years ago, a single event sparked a long-simmering feud between John and Renphor. Now, the two vampires’ lives will become impossibly intertwined in modern-day Philadelphia, leading to a final showdown. As the two try to adapt to a quickly changing world, everyone around them will get swept up in their schemes.

The feud will only end when one of them is destroyed – but as they lose the support of friends and lovers, which one will successfully navigate a world where everyone is lying?

Thank you, Anne, for being a guest!

Write on!