Creative Rituals - Featuring Meredith R. Lyons

Welcome to my weekly feature "Creative Rituals", in which creatives talk about how they begin their creative day. Today I feature author Meredith R. Lyons!

Happy Saturday! Welcome to my weekly Substack feature on creatives and their rituals. This is an opportunity for creatives to talk about how they start their creative day, as well as give you more insight into their work. It’s a perfect opportunity to demystify the creative experience, and maybe even inspire!

Meredith R. Lyons - Author

Today’s guest creative is author Meredith R. Lyons!

Author Meredith Lyons

What Do You Do to Start Your Creative Day?

Author Meredith Lyons starting her creative day by running.

I'm not great at sitting, so I like to go for a run first. Or a bike ride if it's not a running day. I'm a pantser and I often find solutions to my stuck scenes while I'm out on the trail. I even have a desk attachment for my treadmill so that I can write while moving if I want to. I have separate lap desks in my living room and my bedroom so that I can grab them and write whenever and wherever I feel like it. I even have a thing for the bathtub, and yes, I have been known to write in there when I'm on a roll. My desk is great, but I work from home, so mentally it's nice for me to have other places to write so that I'm separating myself from work. If I'm writing in the evening after work, I like to go for a walk around the block once I clock out to signal myself that I'm done for the day and get in my creative headspace for writing.

Author Meredith Lyons at Work
Author Meredith Lyons with one of her cats.

Creator Bio

Meredith grew up in New Orleans, collecting two degrees from Louisiana State University before running away to Chicago to be an actor. Between plays, she got her black belt and taught martial arts and yoga. She fought in the Chicago Golden Gloves, ran the Chicago Marathon, and competed in the Savate World Championships in Paris. Although she did each of these things twice, she couldn’t stay warm and relocated to Nashville. She owns several swords, but saves all swashbuckling for the page, gardening, visiting coffee shops, and cuddling with her husband and panther-sized cats. Ghost Tamer is her first novel.

More from Meredith R. Lyons

I would like to promote Ghost Tamer!

Raely survives a train wreck that kills her best friend and awakens an ability to see ghosts, including one who has watched over her all her life, and another who is hell-bent on destroying her.

Death is one thing, it's what you do afterward that matters.

Aspiring comedian Raely is the sole survivor of a disastrous train wreck. While faced with the intense grief of losing her best friend, she realizes that someone is following her—and has been following her all her life. Trouble is, no one else can see him. For a ghostly tag-along, Casper’s not so bad. He might even be the partner Raely needs to fight the evil spirit hell-bent on destroying her.

Raely and her friend must learn why this demonic spirit is haunting Raely and how she can stop him before he destroys her life—and her soul. Which, much to her chagrin, means she needs the help of a psychic (although she’s sure they are all charlatans) and must rid herself of the pesky ghost hunter who’s interested in exploiting her new abilities.

For readers who enjoy Leigh Bardugo’s Ninth House and Clay McLeod Chapman’s Ghost Eaters.

Here is the link to it on my website and here is the link on the publisher's website + social media contacts. I am most active on Instagram, but I am @meredithrlyons on all social media (Facebook, TikTok, BlueSky, Threads, TwitterX, Goodreads) My website, however, is

A feline “helper” of author Meredith Lyons
Helper Cat of Meredith Lyons.

Thank you, Meredith, for being a guest!

Write on!