Latest Anthology Announcements!

Latest Anthology Announcements!

Happy Friday! It's been a busy week of rolling out new anthology author announcements, editing some of the short stories already submitted, and working behind the scenes on the backbones of the business.

This week, we've announced Antony Johnston (Atomic Blonde; The Dog Sitter Detective), Mya Duong (Mindful Things), Helen Glynn Jones (The Last Raven), Alice James (The Lavington Windsor Mysteries), Khan Wong (The Circus Infinite), and Kali Wallace (Dead Space; Salvation Day).

You can see all the posts for these authors on my Ko-fi posts page.

And this Saturday, we're starting up the next round of author announcements! You will NOT want to miss these.

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Jendia Gammon published a post on Ko-fi

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Jendia and Gareth