March 2025 Newsletter
In like a lion, out like a lamb? Let's hope so...

Hi all,
What a month this has been already! Pure chaos. But I did get something fun tonight. I found out that THIS newsletter ranks currently as one of the 100 Best Science Blogs and Websites in 2025! Now, it's been a while since I've had a science post on here, but maybe this is the sign that I should get back to more of them. Particularly since my current science writing job may be at risk, so I found out this past week (and more bad news regarding own my spring book releases; see below)...

The full list--which probably fluctuates daily--is here:

Now, on to the more expected book updates!
Funding Update for Of Enchantment, Enigma, and the Infinite
We've reached 11% funded on our current goal for publishing our next anthology, the magical-themed OF ENCHANTMENT, ENIGMA, AND THE INFINITE! Thank you. Tiers start at $5 (you get acknowledged in the book!) and it all helps! Higher tiers offer different book formats. Here is the crowdfunding page:

We now have a dedicated book page on our Stars and Sabers site that I'm updating as the authors have stories accepted, so keep checking back, because the full list will be amazing! Here's the actual book page:

The First Anthology Out Now!
If you missed the news, the first anthology, Of Shadows, Stars, and Sabers, is out now! Links to buy are listed here. I'm loving seeing everyone's pictures of the book, as well as the wonderful response to the contents.

My Spring Book Events
I have 3 book events this spring. Here they are:
April 12, 2025 – 12 to 2 PM – DOOMFLOWER: Book Signing & Art Sale with Jendia Gammon, Carbon Nation Brewing, Riverside, California
April 19, 2025 – 2 to 4 PM – DOOMFLOWER: Book Signing & Author Talk with Jendia Gammon, Black Cat Fables Bookstore, Monrovia, California
May 17, 2025 – 2 to 4 PM – ATACAMA: Book Signing & Author Talk with Jendia Gammon, Black Cat Fables Bookstore, Monrovia, California
Important Update on Preordering Doomflower and Atacama
(Sorry to email recipients, there was at least one typo here!)
I was surprised and dismayed to see that both my spring horror novels--my first such novels--are no longer available on Amazon in the US for preorder (UK appears to be available for one of them) for print. And only one is available for Kindle. Needless to say, this is upsetting. I don't love Amazon, but let's face it: that's where a lot of readers buy books. So, please help support these two books of mine and buy them from another seller, or they won't succeed. Preorders help determine if actual brick and mortar stores will carry books. And a lot of people in publishing pay attention to Amazon's sales rankings and data in Bookscan (which industry professionals look at to see if an author has a good sales record, otherwise they may not sign the author). If my books can't make it to readers, there could be issues long-term.
I have listed some places to find the books here:
DOOMFLOWER, a novel by Jendia Gammon (April 8, 2025). PREORDER NOW! US (paperback), Apple (ebook), Amazon UK (paperback), Barnes & Noble (paperback), Barnes & Noble (ebook), Black Cat Fables (paperback), Blackwell’s (paperback), Booktopia (Australia; paperback), Indigo (ebook), Kobo (ebook), Waterstones (paperback)
and here:
ATACAMA, a novel by Jendia Gammon (May 13, 2025) PREORDER NOW! US (paperback) (hardback), US (eBook), Amazon UK (paperback), Amazon UK (hardback), Apple (eBook), Barnes & Noble (paperback), Barnes & Noble (hardback), Barnes & Noble Nook (eBook), Black Cat Fables, Blackwell’s (hardback), Booktopia (Australia), Indigo (ebook), Kobo (eBook), Waterstones (paperback)
When in doubt, please ask your local, favorite bookseller to order these!
Writing Update
Because of the situation with the above two books, I am re-strategizing long-term writing plans. I'll be submitting all future, new, non-series manuscripts to query for a literary agent. For that reason, I'm going to finish writing a new book that was on the backburner. I have some interest in it already, so fingers crossed I can get this book out the door in a couple months and hopefully get representation.
In happier news, I did get a short story acceptance this past week. I can't tell you yet what it's for, but I was delighted by this! It's for a really cool book. More soon.
Busy Weekend in LA
This weekend, I had two lunch/brunch meetings...and for those of us in LA, those actually happening are as rare as astronomical events. "Let's do brunch" often means "Yeah, I'll never see you again." It's a running LA joke. But not this time!
For the first outing, I met a woman who works at my alma mater, The University of Tennessee. We had a great discussion about how my Bachelor of Science in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology degree has influenced various parts of my multiple careers. I also learned that UT has made some great improvements to the College of Arts and Sciences, and now I'd like to visit again, after a long time away! Meanwhile, we had a lovely brunch at one of my favorite spots, Figaro Bistro in Los Feliz.
My second outing was to meet up with fellow horror writer Vincent V. Cava, for an almost constant horror talk lunch at Bob's Big Boy (I wanted another David Lynch moment and of course got some cherry pie and coffee, and saw his pictures there). Then I got to tour the Mystic Museum, which was horror-themed and interactive. It's small but full of fun stuff. We talked about my upcoming plans for horror anthologies, and I got some good insider info on conventions, horror cover artists, crowdfunding, and more. This is what's great about LA: you can meet people with all sorts of knowledge at any time. I'm lucky to be here.
That wraps things up for now! It's a busy week ahead of writing on the new book, awaiting edits for some other books of mine, and working on Stars and Sabers stuff behind the scenes. Wishing you all a great week, and thank you so much for your support.
Write on!