My Books!

I thought it was time to talk about all my books out now and forthcoming...

My Books!

I've had some book news this week! I've got an offer on my weird Appalachian horror novella! I won't share the name, and don't know the date yet, but I can tell you that it's a creepy, taut, very personal work exploring grief. When I announced this was happening on social media, the response across every channel stunned me. I guess everyone's in the mood for this small book! I look forward to it being out in the world sometime in the next couple of years.

And I have other news that's developing quickly, after some discussions tonight, and which could lead to a whole new era for me and my writing! These will be great treats for those who love adventurous storytelling and rich world-building, with lots of extras involved. Once everything is sorted, there will be an announcement.

On top of that, review copies for both Doomflower and Atacama have been out in the world, and scored some fantastic blurbs for each of them. I am absolutely thrilled!

Now, if you've ever wondered where to start with my books, I have a written a blog post that talks about my current and forthcoming books. You can find that here:

Current and Forthcoming Books - Jendia Gammon
This year, I have signed a number of book deals, and I have also been nominated for several awards for my 2023 books. In addition to those books, my earlier works are finding new audiences. So, what do I write? Basically the full range of speculative fiction. Let’s get into it. Science Fiction I write

There are brief descriptions, and links to for purchasing them if you click on the pictures. You might find something you enjoy, or that someone you love may appreciate as a gift.

Thank you for your support!

Write on!