What's in a Week - Vol. 18

In which we traveled up the California coast to the San Francisco Bay Area, had a book signing, our first anniversary, and it's awards season!

A busy week behind me, and what’s ahead…

In which I level up in my past and future city, San Francisco. Photo copyright Jendia Gammon 2023.

Awards Nomination Season!

I have TWO traditional debut books this year that are both eligible for a number of awards across multiple genres, so my hope is they’ll be nominated for reading lists actual awards. Both are published this year, 2023.

The Shadow Galaxy: A Collection of Short Stories and Poetry is a sci-fi/horror/fantasy/Appalachian debut collection available from Trepidatio Publishing under my alt name J. Dianne Dotson. It fits into poetry, short fiction, collections, women’s fiction, Appalachian fiction, horror, sci-fi, and fantasy.

The Inn at the Amethyst Lantern is a sci-fi/fantasy young adult novel available from Android Press under my alt name J. Dianne Dotson. This book fits into climate fiction, teen fiction, speculative fiction, adventure, women’s fiction, etc.

San Francisco Trip and Book Signing Pics

Oh my God, the trip to and from San Francisco, as well as the book signing I shared with Gareth, was fabulous. Here are a few pics! MANY MORE ON MY INSTAGRAM.

I also got to meet the cover artist for The Inn at the Amethyst Lantern, Kim Herbst! You can read my interview with her HERE. She even wore a moth outfit, which was perfect!

IJendia Gammon and Kim Herbst, San Francisco. Photo copyright Jendia Gammon 2023.

We had a joint book signing at Word Horde Emporium of the Weird and Fantastic in Petaluma, California! This is one of the best bookshops I’ve ever been in. Within you’ll be delighted by the most incredibly curated shelves of books and goodies of all sorts. Many thanks to the shop for hosting us! And thank you SO much to the readers who came to get books signed!

The same day as our signing happened to be our first wedding anniversary! We had a lovely day and evening before heading back south Monday morning to Los Angeles.

Gareth L. Powell and Jendia Gammon on their first wedding anniversary, November 5, 2023. Photo copyright Jendia Gammon 2023.

FREE Virtual Book Event Next Week!

My original hometown Kingsport Public Library hosts me for a virtual talk about The Inn at the Amethyst Lantern. All the details for joining in can be found HERE.

LA Book Signing Info

It’s not on the bookstore website yet, but I do have an L.A. book signing at Barnes & Noble at The Grove Los Angeles, on January 6. More details as I get them!

On the Screen

I watched exactly nothing on this trip but the road and the beautiful scenery, and I have no regrets! I did, however, catch the latest episode of Fabulously Dressed Robber Barons I MEAN The Gilded Age. A ridiculous show but it’s fun.

On the Page

I’m reading Danika Stone’s upcoming book as a beta reader, and it’s already hitting me in the feels! Can’t talk much about it, but when it’s out, I’ll shout it to the rooftops.

Creative Rituals Series

I’ve got weekly posts scheduled through the rest of this year, so on Saturdays, you’ll see posts featuring authors and artists sharing their creative rituals. My latest one features author Micki Berthelot Morency. Read the interview:

Writing Update

It’s been such a busy time of travel that I’ve only had time to type into my notes app on this trip. We left our laptops behind. Radical, I know! Now that I’m back, it’s full-bore writing on this campy horror novel due in December. Forth!

The Week Ahead

It’s already “the week ahead” and time change is throwing me for a loop. The main thing happening is the Paid Subscriber Zoom on Sunday at noon, for those of you who are paid subscribers.

Other than that, it’s write, write, and write some more.

Thanks so much for following along.

Write on!