What's in a Week - Vol. 19

A week of transitions, and an upcoming online event!

News from the past week, and what’s ahead…

“Diana of the Chase” sculpture by Anna Hyatt Huntington, on display at The Huntington Library and Gardens.

Cozy Times and Treating Yourself

Lately, I’ve become active on the social media platforms Threads and BlueSky. You can find me under the username jendiagammon on both. I talk about life, writing, and all kinds of things, and occasionally I’ll post something humorous or thoughtful that takes off in popularity, aka, “goes viral.” That happened twice this past week!

The first was the statement of my decision to enter full-on cozy mode:

That’s it. Going full hygge from now to the start of the new year. I’m talking *insufferable* cozy vibes. Candles. Fresh baked bread. Hot cider in the evening. Fluffy socks. Cocooning myself in blankets at home and watching Miyazaki films. C to the O to the Z to the Y.

Cozy candles, pumpkin bread, and pasta, as well as some autumnal “friends.”

The second viral post:

*tries to resist buying the tiny jam jar advent calendar for self*

And this just set off an explosive reaction…many folks didn’t realize that, yes, Bonne Maman of jarred jam fame makes a tiny jam jar advent calendar! I have wanted one for years.

Ultimately I finally ordered it.

So what’s it all about? Why did these two posts resonate? I think it’s because many of us are in that weird phase of shrinking daylight in the Northern Hemisphere, wherein it’s not quite the holiday season but it’s darker and colder, and we want to tuck ourselves into cocoons and feel comfortable and loved. Sometimes that means simply loving yourself, and sharing charming things.

FREE Virtual Book Event!

My original hometown Kingsport Public Library hosts me for a virtual talk about The Inn at the Amethyst Lantern. All the details for joining in can be found HERE.

LA Book Signing Info

It’s not on the bookstore website yet, but I do have an L.A. book signing at Barnes & Noble at The Grove Los Angeles, on January 6. More details as I get them!

Awards Nomination Season!

I have TWO traditional debut books this year that are both eligible for a number of awards across multiple genres, so my hope is they’ll be nominated for reading lists actual awards. Both are published this year, 2023.

The Shadow Galaxy: A Collection of Short Stories and Poetry is a sci-fi/horror/fantasy/Appalachian debut collection available from Trepidatio Publishing under my alt name J. Dianne Dotson. It fits into poetry, short fiction, collections, women’s fiction, Appalachian fiction, horror, sci-fi, and fantasy.

The Inn at the Amethyst Lantern is a sci-fi/fantasy young adult novel available from Android Press under my alt name J. Dianne Dotson. This book fits into climate fiction, teen fiction, speculative fiction, adventure, women’s fiction, etc.

On the Screen

A screen capture of a scene from LOKI Season 2.

This week, we finished up watching Marvel’s LOKI, season 2. It was bizarre and as such I loved it. It was also very timey-wimey, and if you squinted, you could pretend it was a Doctor Who episode. Great fun and marvelous acting. NO idea how season 3, if there is one, will unfold, but I hope we get to find out.

Also in its sophomore season, Amazon Prime’s THE WHEEL OF TIME continues to enthrall me and channels, if you’ll forgive the pun, everything I love about fantasy into something engaging and suspenseful each week. I am still watching, but only have three episodes to go. I confess I’ll really miss it, and I’m very much looking forward to season 3.

On the Page

On my San Francisco trip I picked up several new books, but they will have to wait, as I am reading multiple ARCs (advance reader copies) of authors’ upcoming books.

I’m also reading Danika Stone’s upcoming book as a beta reader, and it’s already gripping!

Creative Rituals Series

I’ve got weekly posts scheduled through the rest of this year, so on Saturdays, you’ll see posts featuring authors and artists sharing their creative rituals. My latest one features author Dennis K. Crosby. Read the interview:

Writing Update

Traveling off and on for weeks has taken a toll on my sleep, my routines, and my writing. Now that my travel has ended for the year, and the in-person book events are on pause for the moment, I’m back to writing. I’ve been working on my campy horror novel, and writing a few short stories and framing new collections as well.

The Week Ahead

As mentioned above, I have the talk later in the week online. I’ll be writing every day in great haste, trying to get this book done by December. And I’ll be getting back to art. I’m also planning out my Thanksgiving menu and looking forward to that week, when my kids will be home and we will fix all manner of treats and generally…be cozy.

Wishing you all a great week ahead. Thanks so much for following along.

Write on!