What's in a Week - Vol. 20

A hometown book event, a British Fantasy Society panel, novel updates, and more!

Today, I’m sharing my past week and what I’m looking forward to this coming week!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Autumn colors at The Huntington Library and Gardens

This coming Thursday, we Americans celebrate Thanksgiving. I prepare an entire meal large enough to freeze leftovers for, and I have almost everything I need except for some perishables I’ll get on Tuesday. I avoid grocery shopping on the Wednesday prior to Thanksgiving because it is an absolute zoo. I stage the prep: the frozen turkey gets moved to the fridge the Friday prior (or Saturday at the latest). On Monday, I prepare the homemade, spiced orange cranberry sauce and refrigerate it. I make the topping for Dutch apple pie and package that. On Tuesday, I prepare the roll dough and go ahead and bake and freeze those, to be thawed and reheated during the final few minutes before mealtime on Thanksgiving. On Wednesday, I bake the pies: pumpkin, Dutch apple, and this year I’ll add in my splendid pecan pie. Speaking of which…this Southern gal couldn’t resist a nerdy joke.

Wednesday is also when I boil eggs for deviled eggs. Then, well before dawn on Thanksgiving, I get everything ready for roasting the turkey, have a pot for simmering stock for hours on the back burner, and it’s on like Donkey Kong all day. My family is instructed in no uncertain terms to get in and out of the kitchen fast, for this is serious stuff, and it’s not a huge kitchen. Typically I aim for an early afternoon meal; that way you’re good and stuffed for hours and can eat a light supper of leftovers or not. On Friday, I have leftover pie with my coffee for breakfast and bask in the delight of that. It’s a whole production.

I wish a very Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate it!

Awards Nomination Season!

I have a dedicated post for all the words of mine published in 2023 that are eligible for awards in fantasy, horror, science fiction, indie/small press awards, children’s fiction, Southern fiction, women’s fiction, poetry, etc. Here is the link:

Book Chat

My original hometown Kingsport Public Library hosted me for a virtual talk this past weekend about The Inn at the Amethyst Lantern. This was a great chat about the world-building I put into the book and what Lunarpunk and young adult even mean. As soon as it’s up on their YouTube site, I will share it. This marked the final official book event of the year for me, but I do have a signing in January:

LA Book Signing Info

It’s not on the bookstore website yet, but I do have an L.A. book signing at Barnes & Noble at The Grove Los Angeles, on January 6. More details as I get them!

Science Fantasy Panel with the British Fantasy Society

This Saturday, I participated in a wonderful panel hosted by the British Fantasy Society, of which I’m a member. Alongside authors Stark Holborn and Ian Whates, I discussed what it means to write science fantasy. We described our own works, and different influences on this sub-genre. I’ll let you all know when that video is available for sharing. I wore my bespoke TARDIS dress, since it was a British panel, and Doctor Who is a British show…and it’s science fantasy. After the panel, I performed a reading from a chapter in The Inn at the Amethyst Lantern.

Four Weeks Already!

It’s amazing that The Inn at the Amethyst Lantern has been out almost a month! I’m loving readers’ responses to the book, like the fabulous review above. Letting the world know you love a book opens up a much greater possibility that more readers will buy the book. That, in turn, gives us a greater chance to write more books. We authors appreciate you all so much!

On the Screen

I finished the second season of Amazon Prime’s THE WHEEL OF TIME and it was incredible. Thank goodness they just wrapped season three, and I hope it doesn’t take terribly long until we can watch it!

On the Page

I’ve started Gemma Amor’s upcoming release, THE FOLLY, and I’m loving the spooky Gothic vibes of it so far!

Creative Rituals Series

I’ve got weekly posts scheduled through the rest of this year, so on Saturdays, you’ll see posts featuring authors and artists sharing their creative rituals. My latest one features author Laurel Hightower. Read the interview:

Writing Update

I hit the page running, so to speak, this past week, after weeks of not writing much because of book tour, travel, work deadlines, etc. On one of my writing days, I wrote 8400 words in a single day. I do not recommend this. But I had these powerful scenes, which I’d thought of for a long time, and there came an opportunity to get them down, so I busted out a few chapters in a fell swoop. And I had a blast writing them. They’re very good too, and they so disturbed Gareth, who’s reading chapters as I finish them, that he said he was filled with dread. He’s comparing this “campy” horror to Stephen King. (Not the first time I’ve been compared to him; readers of The Shadow Galaxy have said the same.)

Speaking of The Shadow Galaxy…

Personalized Books for U.S. Purchase

I have 8 copies remaining of my personal, available stock for The Shadow Galaxy: A Collection of Short Stories and Poetry, which I can personalize, sign, and ship to you. Shipping is included in the cost. For that reason, I can only ship within the U.S. I cannot guarantee you’ll get a copy by Christmas, so the sooner you order, the better. Thank you for your business!

The Week Ahead

In between the Thanksgiving prep, I’ll enjoy having my teens home from school for the week. I plan on hanging out with them, getting good walks in, and yes, writing this book. I’m also making notes on the space opera I’ll be working on in the new year. And I’ll be planning for the full holiday season! I’m looking forward to this week, possibly my favorite week of the entire year.

Wishing you all a great week ahead. Thanks so much for following along.

Write on!