What's in a Week - Vol. 22

Finished my latest novel! Got the tree! Other stuff, I guess, too?

Happy December! I’m sharing my past week and what I’m looking forward to this coming week!

A TARDIS ornament in Jendia Gammon’s Christmas tree

The Halls, They Are Decked

Got the tree! It’s a Noble fir, my favorite. A proper West Coast tree. And as you can see above, there’s a TARDIS ornament in there!

Meanwhile, if you missed it, I have a geeky gift guide for you to peruse and shop from!


It’s DONE! I finished my campy horror novel. A beta reader has it. After getting their trusted feedback (she’s beta read all but two of my books), I’m cleaning it more and sending it to my agent. Celebratory dance and link to my post about it:

Upcoming Writing Workshop

I’m offering an Effective Writing Techniques Workshop on December 16. Details here:

Two Recent Interviews

I had two great video interviews recently!

First up, Inside the Rookery had me on:

And then FanFiAddict had me as a guest:

Awards Nomination Season!

I have a dedicated post for all the words of mine published in 2023 (under both names) that are eligible for awards in fantasy, horror, science fiction, indie/small press awards, children’s fiction, Southern fiction, women’s fiction, poetry, etc. It is now on my new blog!

LA Book Signing Info

It’s not on the bookstore website yet, but I do have an L.A. book signing at Barnes & Noble at The Grove Los Angeles, on January 6. More details as I get them!

On the Screen

The latest episode DOCTOR WHO is amazing science fiction, with some deeply touching moments between the Doctor and Donna Noble. Just loved it.

Also watched The Gilded Age and Foundation. Pretty great week of TV.

On the Page

I took a break from reading because I wrote many thousands of words this week!

Creative Rituals Series

I’ve got weekly posts scheduled through the rest of this year, so on Saturdays, you’ll see posts featuring authors and artists sharing their creative rituals. My latest one features author F. Anne Fischer. Read the interview:

Personalized Books for U.S. Purchase

I have 8 copies remaining of my personal, available stock for The Shadow Galaxy: A Collection of Short Stories and Poetry, which I can personalize, sign, and ship to you. Shipping is included in the cost. For that reason, I can only ship within the U.S. I cannot guarantee you’ll get a copy by Christmas, so the sooner you order, the better. Thank you for your business!

Writing Update

As I mentioned before, I wrote like the wind and finished my manuscript for the campy horror novel. I’m shifting gears for December, writing short stories for submission, then diving back into Space Opera territory in the new year unless something happens with my thriller sci-fi novel on submission to publishers right now. Because if we got an offer for that, I’d need to shove everything else aside and focus on edits for that. PLEASE LET THIS HAPPEN.

The Week Ahead

Going to be a relatively quiet week. No events for my fiction writing life, but that picks back up in January with a signing and a panel appearance. Science writing gig work is on the agenda, and finishing up art commissions and shipping those.

Wishing you all a smooth week ahead. Thanks so much for following along.

Write on!