What's in a Week - Vol. 33
New Book News, Preparing for More Announcements, and Strawberry Pie

New Book News, Preparing for More Announcements, and Strawberry Pie
My New Novel: ATACAMA
In case you missed the news, my newest book is ATACAMA, and you can read all about my first horror/thriller novel (with some sci-fi!) here on my blog. In just over a year, you'll have this book in your hands. There will be a lot of publicity leading up to it, and if we are VERY lucky, I might be able to do a cover reveal at StokerCon this June in San Diego.
I've met with the publishing team and my editor for the book, and editing begins this month. Cover art happens next and it's possible I'll have a bit more of an interesting collaboration for that this time around than I'm used to, which is really cool.
Thank you for the wonderful response to the ATACAMA announcement and to the premise for this book. I'll keep you up to date on any book news!
BSFA Finalist - Twice!

My two BSFA Finalist works: THE INN AT THE AMETHYST LANTERN (Best Fiction for Younger Readers) and "Copper" (Best Short Fiction)
If you missed the news, here's a post on my blog. I'm a two-time finalist for the British Science Fiction Association (BSFA) awards! A tremendous honor and a first for me. Thank you to all who voted in the longlist and got me here! VOTING IS OPEN and continues until EasterCon. Thank you for your votes for best fiction for younger readers and best short story! I appreciate you!
Nebula and Hugo Award Nominations Are Now Closed
Thank you to everyone who nominated any of my works for the Nebula Awards and the Hugo Awards! And now we wait to see who the finalists are...
WorldCon (Hugo Awards) Accommodations Booked!
Speaking of the Hugo Awards, I will be there in Glasgow, Scotland! I booked my and Gareth's lodging so we are all sorted as far as that is concerned. So excited to explore this city, new to me!
Bid on My Original, Cute Hedgehog Art for a Good Cause!
Do you like hedgehogs and original art? Then you'll be pleased to know you still have time to bid on this watercolor illustration I made.
Library Fundraiser
My hometown library in East Tennessee seeks a renovation and needs our help. Let’s get this Appalachian community supported! Without it, I wouldn’t be the writer I am today. I want all generations from now forward to have a library they can be proud of. Donate here and feel free to share.
Upcoming Book Signings
In next week's newsletter, I'll have a better schedule to offer for upcoming appearances, including an online science fiction course along with my husband Gareth! More on that soon.
So far, I have two book signings lined up for this spring, one in late April at a bookstore, and one at StokerCon. They are both in San Diego! More details on both soon.
On the Screen
We have been watching the new Apple TV Plus science fiction show, CONSTELLATION, starting Noomi Rapace (as Jo) as well as Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul actor Jonathan Banks. The show follows an astronaut (Rapace) in the aftermath of a disaster on the International Space Station, and a NASA experiment gone awry. Life back on Earth proves to be not as Jo had left it, and she uncovers a conspiracy involving others who have ventured into space as well... It's an eerie, emotional, mysterious show.
On the Page
There's a comic book that's a sequel to John Carpenter's movie THE FOG and I've picked that up and plan to read it soon. I'm also crazy excited to pick up the new comic series HELEN OF WYNDHORN by the tremendous trio of Tom King, Bilquis Evely, and Matheus Lopes. Those three made SUPERGIRL: WOMAN OF TOMORROW and I know this is going to be incredible. Comes out Wednesday!

Writing Update
I've been pecking away a bit on some books and short stories, but it was a bit of a chaotic week, dealing with news and announcements. All good!
Strawberry Pie
Behold my diner-style strawberry pie I made last night!
The Week Ahead
I have something big to announce later this week. I've already drafted the newsletter and the blog post related to it. It's a game changer! Can't wait to share the news. (And because several folks have asked, NO, it is not TV or film related. But it could put me on the radar of more folks.)
Meanwhile, Gareth returns to England tonight and this week I'll work on science writing deadlines and my novels in progress.
Thank you, always, for your support.
Write on!