What's in a Week - Vol. 35
Final week for BSFA Voting! Upcoming events! What's new in writing, art, what I've read, etc.!

Final week for BSFA Voting! Upcoming events! What's new in writing, art, what I've read, etc.!
Welcome, Spring!

I am so glad it's finally Spring in the Northern Hemisphere, and wishing you all a happy season (it's Autumn in the Southern Hemisphere). While Autumn is my most favorite season, I do enjoy Spring...while it lasts. It seems to be the most ephemeral.
I'm a Nebula Award Finalist!

If you missed the news: I am a Nebula Award finalist! I'm officially listed on the Nebula Awards site, both for my book and as an author! How cool is that???
Read all about the nomination, what it means, about THE INN AT THE AMETHYST LANTERN, and what happens next on my blog! Voting for the Nebula Awards is now officially open, so if you are a SFWA member, I'd love your vote. Thank you to those who nominated me!
You can order THE INN AT THE AMETHYST LANTERN from anywhere (Bookshop.org, Barnes and Noble, Amazon, Kobo, Waterstones, your local seller, etc.).
Sponsorships for the Nebula Awards
You can help support Nebula Awards attendees and the SFWA organization. And if you want to help donate as well as leave me something under my seat on awards night, scroll to the bottom... 2024 Sponsorship Opportunities - Nebula Awards Conference Online.
Nominate Me for a Locus Award!

The Locus Awards are prestigious genre awards hosted by Locus Magazine each year. You can write in my works at this link.
Eligible works:
Collection: The Shadow Galaxy: A Collection of Short Stories and Poetry (J. Dianne Dotson, Trepidatio Publishing)
Short Story: "Copper" (Jendia Gammon, Interzone 295)
Younger Fiction: The Inn at the Amethyst Lantern (J. Dianne Dotson, Android Press)
Thank you so much!
Updates on My New Novel: ATACAMA
In case you missed the news, my latest book coming out is ATACAMA, in 2025, and you can read all about my first horror/thriller novel (with some sci-fi!) here on my blog.
Currently, ATACAMA is with the book's editor, and I should receive those edits soon. Also, cover art should start in the near future. I gave my publisher some concept sketches and photos to give to the artist, but cover design is a dance: so we will have a discussion back and forth among the three of us until the cover is finished. If I'm VERY lucky, I'll be able to do a cover reveal as early as my StokerCon appearance (I'm signing books with Android Press on Saturday, June 1, at StokerCon in San Diego).
Meanwhile, this week, I got art supplies for making little illustrations for each chapter header, using my own art in a novel for a change! This art will be scanned by me and shrunk by the publisher into those small header illustrations, but I am also going to make good quality prints of each piece for sale eventually. I have a deadline to turn in 36 pieces of art by June 1, so I'll be busy with artwork from now until then. Very satisfying to have my own art in my book. I won prizes and art scholarships for my university days, but ended up going into science instead.
BSFA Finalist - Twice! Voting Ends at EasterCon!

If you missed the news, here's a post on my blog. I'm a two-time finalist for the British Science Fiction Association (BSFA) awards! Thank you to all who voted in the longlist and got me here! VOTING IS OPEN and continues until EasterCon NEXT WEEKEND. Thank you for your votes for best fiction for younger readers and best short story! I appreciate you!
Upcoming Events! First: Artifact Books Signing
Here are my events so far. And first up is my book signing at Artifact Books in Encinitas, California, on April 27 from 3 PM to 5 PM. More info on their website HERE. If you're in the greater San Diego area or Orange County, pop by and get either my Nebula & BSFA finalist THE INN AT THE AMETHYST LANTERN or my BSFA-longlisted THE SHADOW GALAXY. Better yet, get both!

Library Fundraiser
My hometown library in East Tennessee seeks a renovation and needs our help. Let’s get this Appalachian community supported! Without it, I wouldn’t be the writer I am today. I want all generations from now forward to have a library they can be proud of. Donate here and feel free to share.
On the Screen
The latest episode CONSTELLATION stressed me out, but in a good, mind-bending way, which is sort of the show's brand. I was very invested in Alice (who of course is a nod to Alice in Wonderland, and the latest episode is even called Through the Looking Glass) and, as a parent, kind of freaked out and worried for her. Still, she, of all the characters on the show, seems to be the person most in command of the situation.
Meanwhile, I'm watching CRIMINAL RECORD, starring Cush Jumbo and Peter Capaldi. This is a British thriller/procedural mystery and the leads perform a sort of detective dance, with tremendous acting all around.

I've also been enjoying the heck out of MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE: REVOLUTION on Netflix as this season deals with Hordak and the Evil Horde's invasion of Eternia--not for the first time, and if you look closely in the flashback scenes, you'll see Hordak is holding something before he leaves. In other words, someone, and I hope that means we'll see that person in the next season... Anyway, it's a fun sequel season for the show, and William Shatner is one of the voice actors!
On the Page
Bram Stoker Award-winning author Cynthia Pelayo's FORGOTTEN SISTERS published this week!
A city’s haunted history and fairy-tale horrors converge for two women in an addictive novel of psychological suspense by a multiple Bram Stoker Award–nominated author.
I've been waiting for this mesmerizing story and am so happy to have it at last. I've got an upcoming interview of Ms. Pelayo on my blog, so keep an eye out for that.

Writing Update
This past week, I submitted more short stories to magazines, and also sent my two complete manuscripts (the dragon fantasy and the campy horror) to more publishers who are interested in them. Fingers crossed on that front!
It was a work deadline week, and for my science writing gig, I finished up a mailing for Women's History Month showcasing women pioneers in life science history.
The Week Ahead
I'm meeting a fellow science writer later this week, and hoping to glean how best to approach writing a full-length, non-fiction novel, as well as how to access local resources for research.
I'll be writing on one of my new books, the trippy sci-fi fantasy mystery one, and working on the illustrations I mentioned above.
Wishing you all a fantastic week!
Thank you, always, for your support.
Write on!