What's in a Week - Vol. 43

What's in a Week - Vol. 43

Many things to discuss, so let's dive in!

Anthology News!

Today I just announced that multi award-winning science fiction and fantasy author Adrian Tchaikovsky has joined our anthology! Read the news! Gareth and I are honored to have Adrian's new short story in this amazing anthology. And we are so fortunate to call him one of our dearest friends.

In case you missed the news, my husband Gareth L. Powell and I making our own publishing imprint! Announced authors so far: Adrian Tchaikovsky, Cynthia Pelayo, Ai Jiang, Paul Cornell, Bonnie Burton, David Quantick, Eugen Bacon, Peter McLean, Ren Hutchings, Renan Bernardo, Greg van Eekhout, Pedro Iniguez, Jonathan Maberry, Dennis K. Crosby, D.K. Stone, Cavan Scott, Sarah L. Miles, J.L. Worrad, Antony Johnston, Mya Duong, Helen Glynn Jones, Alice James, Khan Wong, and Kali Wallace.

...several more authors to come this week and beyond!

We are crowdfunding this endeavor for our first book, a cross-genre anthology (tentatively publishing February 11, 2025). Currently, we are 34% funded! You can help us reach our fundraising goal. Read more at this link below. Rewards for your donations start from $5 on up, higher tiers offer books, and still higher tiers include classes from both me and Gareth and other perks!

Publishing Imprint News and Opportunity
Jendia Gammon published a post on Ko-fi

We've already been editing stories from some of our authors, and we've seen the early drafts of the cover art. It's gorgeous! More news to come. Do follow me at Ko-fi above to receive updates on our publishing imprint and the anthology! And thank you for spreading the word.


My plan is to be at StokerCon in San Diego on Saturday, June 1, in the dealers' room, signing books!

Nebula Awards Conference Update - My Schedule

In case you missed the news, I'm a Nebula Award finalist! This is for my young adult debut novel, THE INN AT THE AMETHYST LANTERN (written as J. Dianne Dotson). It was also a BSFA finalist book. And...it might also be up for something else, but I can't share that yet.

I also will be on two panels on Friday, June 7 in Pasadena. You can see the conference schedule here. On Saturday, June 8, I have an author meet and greet at 11:30 AM. Later that evening, I will be at the red carpet and award ceremony.

Following the conference, I will be available for a WRITING DATE in which we write together and you can ask questions. Head here for details on that.

I'm Going to San Diego Comic-Con!

I just found out I'll be on a writing-themed panel at San Diego Comic-Con, the biggest fandom convention in the U.S., in late July this year! More details as I can share them. I'm pleased to return. I was on two panels last year, and a virtual one in years past. Stoked to be back!

Limited Stock of Signed Books Directly from Me

I'm selling a limited supply of THE INN AT THE AMETHYST LANTERN, my Nebula & BSFA Award finalist book. I can sign/personalize and ship to you if you live in the U.S. Unfortunately, shipping to other countries is prohibitively expensive.

Buy your copy of the book in my Ko-Fi Shop, which is also a place where you can also buy me a cup of coffee or donation, incidentally!

The Inn at the Amethyst Lantern

The Nebula & BSFA novel by J. Dianne Dotson (Jendia Gammon). Paperback, signed/personalized by the author.

Buy a Signed Copy

Library Fundraiser

My hometown library in East Tennessee seeks a renovation and needs our help. Let’s get this Appalachian community supported! Without it, I wouldn’t be the writer I am today. I want all generations from now forward to have a library they can be proud of. Donate here and feel free to share.

On the Screen

This past week, my younger teen was out of school sick for a few days. So we scheduled in various shows and movies, capping the weekend by watching the latest Doctor Who, which had some deliciously creepy folk horror vibes and gorgeous Welsh scenery.

On the Page

I'm still enjoying an advance review copy (ARC) of Stark Holborn's latest book, NINTH LIFE.

Writing Update

This past week I worked on two novellas, one science fiction and one horror. I'm focusing mainly on a horror one set in Southern Appalachia, where I'm from. (I live in L.A. now.)

I do not have any submission updates for the dragon fantasy, but hopefully by June there will be news.

I'll get back to novel writing for my sci-fi/fantasy mystery full-length book this coming week.

And as Editor-in-Chief of our imprint, I'll also continue editing stories from our stellar authors!

The Week Ahead

More author announcements via Ko-Fi and some novel writing are on deck for this coming week! I'm going to try and get a group picture of me and some of the anthology authors at StokerCon, since some of them are traveling from abroad and it'll be a great opportunity to meet up.

Wishing you a great week ahead.

Thank you, as always, for your support.

Write on!