What's in a Week - Vol. 47

Short story out now! Vote in the British Fantasy Awards! What I read and watched this week and more...

What's in a Week - Vol. 47

Short story out now! Vote in the British Fantasy Awards! What I read and watched this week and more...

Short Story in Seaside Gothic Available!

Issue 11 of Seaside Gothic is here!

My short story, "Upon the Gloaming Hour," was accepted by Seaside Gothic, and will publish in their July issue! My story is a magical realism, light ghost story, and really an homage to my parents and seaside memories on the southeastern Atlantic coast. You can now buy this issue:

Order Issue 11 | Seaside Gothic
Issue 11 of Seaside Gothic, a quarterly print magazine of fiction, poetry, and nonfiction from the edge of the sea, is available for order.

Vote by June 30: Two British Fantasy Award Nominations!

In case you missed the news, I've been nominated twice for the British Fantasy Award! If you are a voting member of the British Fantasy Society, I would love to have your votes for both collection and fantasy novel so that I make the shortlist and become a finalist. Longlist voting deadline is June 30. Read more here:

NEWS! I’m Nominated Twice for the British Fantasy Awards!
It’s with great delight that I announce I have TWO nominations for the British Fantasy Awards! They are THE SHADOW GALAXY for single-author collection and THE INN AT THE AMETHYST LANTERN for fantasy novel. Both these are under my J. Dianne Dotson pen name.

Anthology Update!

In case you missed the news, my husband Gareth L. Powell and I are building our own publishing imprint! Our first book is a cross-genre anthology. Announced authors : Adrian Tchaikovsky, Cynthia Pelayo, Ai Jiang, T.L. Huchu, Paul Cornell, Bonnie Burton, David Quantick, Eugen Bacon, Peter McLean, Ren Hutchings, Renan Bernardo, Greg van Eekhout, Pedro Iniguez, KC Grifant, Jonathan Maberry, Dennis K. Crosby, D.K. Stone, Cavan Scott, Sarah L. Miles, J.L. Worrad, Antony Johnston, Mya Duong, Helen Glynn Jones, Alice James, Khan Wong, Kali Wallace, Stark Holborn, Laurel Hightower, Gemma Amor, and Lizbeth Myles!

....and there may be a few more! We are nearing completion of the roster.

As of June 25, the book cover is complete, the website has moved from the wireframe to the design frame, and we will debut all of this in mid July. It's getting to be quite exciting! We have also made our first MSWL (manuscript wish list) for literary agents, for standalone works.

We are crowdfunding this endeavor for our cross-genre anthology (tentatively publishing February 11, 2025). Currently, we are 42% funded! You can help us reach our fundraising goal. Read more at this link below. Rewards for your donations start from $5 on up, higher tiers offer books, and still higher tiers include classes from both me and Gareth and other perks!

Publishing Imprint News and Opportunity
Jendia Gammon published a post on Ko-fi

Money donated goes directly to paying our authors and for expenses in the making of the book.

Do follow me at Ko-fi above to receive updates on our publishing imprint and the anthology! And thank you for spreading the word.

I'm Going to San Diego Comic-Con!

I'll be on a panel at San Diego Comic-Con, the biggest fandom convention in the U.S., in late July this year! I can share that the panel is called "It All Starts with a Word". From the moderator: "This panel will be about how to start writing the novel that's in your head, what challenges you can expect, the best advice on how to push through them, and dispelling some of the myths and misconceptions about publishers and agents, peppered with some stories and anecdotes from the trenches."

More details as I can share them. SDCC tends not to release its official schedules until closer to the event.

On the Screen

This was a light week for TV viewing. I started A Gentleman in Moscow on Paramount Plus, starring Ewan McGregor, and while I've only seen one episode, I enjoyed it.

On the Page

I've been on a reading tear, trying to finish multiple works, including ARCs (advance reader copies offered by publishers) and comp titles that we can use when we acquire new works from imprint authors. One such comp title is the cozy fantasy book LEGENDS AND LATTES by Travis Baldree. This book will make you crave fresh coffee and cinnamon rolls like nothing else. I'm about halfway into it.

I did just finish the ARC for Stark Holborn's NINTH LIFE. Absolutely staggering. Read my full review:

Jendia Gammon’s review of Ninth Life (The Factus Sequence, #3)
5/5: When an accounting is made of the stories we tell in this era, no matter the genre, I want to see the Factus Sequence near the top. It deserves the word masterpiece as a whole. And individually, NINTH LIFE secured that title. I finished this book and felt as though sand might pour from my mouth, and that the corners of my eyes might flash from a glint of metal and chance—which we dare not mention here. Myths and stories have sustained us for millennia, and this book by Stark Holborn stands as evidence for why such tales persist. That survival is more than scraping out a living while on th…

Writing Update

I believe I've said in the past that publishing moves very slowly, until it doesn't. As such, I should have some news in the very near future to share...

Meanwhile, I've been tapping the keys on my weird Appalachian novella, my space opera novel, and my romantic dark fantasy novel. Once things shift (see above), I'll need to pivot away from these for a little while.

I've also sent out more short stories, and have been adding some to my two separate short story collections.

The Week Ahead

Having just finished a science writing deadline, I'm now catching up on admin and household various "stuff," while dealing with summer torpor and icky heat. I think it's smoothie time!

Wishing you all a lovely week ahead.

Write on!