What's in a Week - Vol. 52
Upended plans, anthology updates, and more...

Canceled Con
Well, as you saw yesterday, I have been under the weather (not Covid) and couldn't make it down to San Diego Comic-Con. This was absolutely the right call, as I was down and out all day and into the night. This morning, I'm tired but feeling a bit better overall. I can't imagine having traveled with everything yesterday and back again today; I'd have had to bail no matter what.
Once again, as a reminder, I am NOT going to Glasgow WorldCon.
I may try to go to LA Comic-Con this October, so stay tuned while I look into that. Otherwise, I've got no more appearances on deck for the rest of the year, unless something changes. Next year will be a very different story!
Anthology Update!

In case you missed the news, my husband Gareth L. Powell and I launched our publishing imprint, Stars and Sabers Publishing! Visit our new site and explore. We are CLOSED TO SUBMISSIONS but agents who want our MSWL may reach out for next year's slate.

And of course we made our cover reveal for Of Shadows, Stars, and Sabers as well. You can read more about the book cover and contributing authors on my blog:

We are crowdfunding this anthology (tentatively publishing February 11, 2025). There are two resources to do so.
Via Indiegogo:
Currently we are 10% funded for this LIMITED campaign, with 23 days left. We appreciate any shares!

This is the link for the Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign for Of Shadows, Stars, and Sabers.
Via Ko-Fi:
Ongoing campaign. Money donated goes directly to paying our authors and for expenses in the making of the book. It also ensures we can make more anthologies! Thank you for your support.
If you want to help but can't contribute, sharing the links above IS helping, and we greatly appreciate you!
Author Features on the Stars and Sabers Site
I've begun adding adding author profiles to our Stars and Sabers News page. This week, I'm introducing science fiction and fantasy legend Adrian Tchaikovsky! Read more about Adrian and his extraordinary body of work, and about the story he's got in Of Shadows, Stars, and Sabers.

This coming week, we will post another author feature and more articles on the site!
Interview Online
I was invited by the Witty & Sarcastic Bookclub (how great a name is that?!) for an interview about my indie-published space opera series (still my bestselling books to date!), The Questrison Saga®. Read about the series and process here:

On the Screen

I had never seen The Paper (1994), the Ron Howard film about journalists working at a New York newspaper, until last night. I absolutely loved it: it was jittery, dynamic, and had me fully invested in all the characters. Michael Keaton is just mesmerizing in the role, and has some truly epic lines. Glenn Close, Rober Duvall, Marisa Tomei, and many other great actors round out the cast. It's really got every element imaginable in it as well. I also enjoyed pausing the film and taking in the details of the sets; it felt SO lived-in and gave me much nostalgia for a time that is now 30 years ago. (How?? How is it not 10 years??) Great movie and highly recommended.
On the Page
This past week has not been ideal for reading for fun, but I'm enjoying some folktales and nature guides. I'm also reading a stack of magazines and cookbooks, because it's soothing and pleasant.
Writing Update
Currently, I'm working on the sequel to The Inn at the Amethyst Lantern, titled The Secret of the Sapphire Sentinel , and a weird Appalachian horror novella (which I aim to finish this month or early August; I'm writing it "in the margins" and it's not got long to go.).
This follows a two-book deal a few weeks ago, for The Secret of the Sapphire Sentinel and The Dawn of Dusk and Twilight. The first (sequel to my four-award-nominated The Inn at the Amethyst Lantern) is due January 2025. The second is due December 2025.
🐉Meanwhile, f you missed the news, I accepted an offer for a three-book deal for my dragon fantasy! They'll release in 2026, 2027, and 2028, respectively.

More details in the coming weeks.
Here's where things stand and where they're headed, in graphic form. Find more info on my book page.

The Week Ahead
It's work deadline week for the science writing gig, and I also want to try to get the weird Appalachian novella finished up. The weather is slightly cooler, and I think I'll feel more productive from that. I will get back to my regular walks during the cooler evening hours. And I'm also working on a large watercolor painting in between everything else, just for fun.
Hope you all have a lovely final week for July.
Write on!