What's in a Week - Vol. 57

Welcome, September! Here's what's been happening, and what's next...

What's in a Week - Vol. 57
Art, writing, publishing, and finally September! Read all my latest updates.

Anthology Update

Our limited-time Indiegogo campaign expired, and while we did not meet our funding goal there, we will thankfully be disbursed the donations we did receive, and will fulfill all the reward tiers by February 2025 for release for Of Shadows, Stars, and Sabers (official book page here). Thank you to those who contributed!

We're still crowdfunding for the remaining costs but will switch back to Ko-fi.

Support Via Ko-fi:


This Ko-fi campaign is an ongoing campaign until our goal is met. Money donated goes directly to paying our authors and for expenses in the making of the book. It also ensures we can make more anthologies! We have two more anthologies planned for 2025, which are themed.

Stars and Sabers Publishing Updates!

We signed our first solo author to Stars and Sabers Publishing! We're overjoyed to announce that we will publish Echoes and Embers: Speculative Stories by Pedro Iniguez in July 2025. Read more about this wonderful collection:

Stars and Sabers Publishing News: Book Deal for Pedro Iniguez – Stars and Sabers
Stars and Sabers Publishing announces their first single-author book acquisition: Echoes and Embers: Speculative Stories by Pedro Iniguez - Press Release

Also in great news, Helen Glynn Jones has joined Stars and Sabers Publishing as Editorial Assistant! Read more about Helen and her work:

Stars and Sabers Publishing News: Helen Glynn Jones Named Editorial Assistant – Stars and Sabers
We are elated to announce the addition of Helen Glynn Jones to the Stars and Sabers Publishing team as Editorial Assistant!

Anthology Author Features This Week

This week on our Stars and Sabers News site, we've got several more anthology author features! Their wonderful stories will be in Of Shadows, Stars, and Sabers and we are delighted and proud to have them on board. Head here to see them, and look forward to more features in the weeks ahead as we finish our table of contents for the anthology.

News – Stars and Sabers
News Anthology Contributor: Khan Wong August 31, 2024 We are so pleased to feature speculative fiction author and Lambda Award finalist Khan Wong, who contribut

Creative Rituals Interviews

On my personal blog, I'm returning to the Creative Rituals Interviews of writers and artists, to talk about their creative days.

Here's Thea Lyons:

Creative Rituals – Author Thea Lyons - Jendia Gammon
Welcome! Creative Rituals is a fun blog of mine featuring creatives and their rituals. Creatives talk about how they start their creative day, as well as give you more insight into their work. It’s a perfect opportunity to demystify the creative experience, and maybe even inspire! Thea Lyons – Author Today’s guest is science fiction and fantasy Creative Rituals - Author Thea Lyons - A regular interview feature by author Jendia Gammon of writers and creatives discussing their creative days.

Here's P.A. Cornell:

Creative Rituals – Author P.A. Cornell - Jendia Gammon
Welcome! Creative Rituals is a fun blog of mine featuring creatives and their rituals. Creatives talk about how they start their creative day, as well as give you more insight into their work. It’s a perfect opportunity to demystify the creative experience, and maybe even inspire! P.A. Cornell - Author Today’s guest creative is Chilean-Canadian

Commission Sheet for Artist Alison Sampson

My friend and brilliant artist Alison Sampson opens for commissions once a year, and this is your chance on Tuesday to reach out to her! Don't miss it!

Alison Sampson Commission (NYCC, Thought Bubble, MCM + Mail Order)
Commission Special! We are happy to welcome Alison Sampson for a Kinetic guest feature. This listing goes live Tuesday, 9/3 at 1pm ET. We will be handling her pre-con commission lists for a trio of fall conventions: New York Comic Con, MCM London and Thought Bubble Festivel. Pickup is available for all three shows ho

A Gift to Myself

I signed up for an online sketching class weeks ago, and yesterday, I participated. This was such a rewarding experience, drawing alongside so many people at different comfort levels in their artistic journeys. It involved timed drawings, and helped each of us exercise the way we think of things.

This was a gift to myself, and decided to repeat the experience in October. Our perspectives change and our minds grow when we engage in new, creative experiences. I recommend it!

On the Screen

Season 2 of The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power debuted this past week, and so of course I watched the first three episodes which dropped at that time. I'm loving it so far! There are more elements of horror in this season, and lots of wicked manipulation by Middle Earth's ultimate deceiver. Everything looks quite spectacular and I'm glad to immerse myself into this world again.

On the Page

I was thrilled to see that one of our anthology submissions, from Jonathan L. Howard, is a Johannes Cabal short story! I'm digging back into that series (I had only read the first book) and want to complete the set now. If you're a fan, you're going to love his short story in our anthology!

I also had my eye on Divine Rivals by Rebecca Ross, so I'm diving in.

Writing Update

This past week, I was chiefly in anthology editing mode, as we received a flurry of short stories ahead of the August 31 deadline. I did make time to put some words on my upcoming sequel, The Secret of the Sapphire Sentinel. It's due at the start of the year and publishing autumn 2025 (no exact date yet).

I also wrote some new short stories, one of them a prequel tale for my upcoming dragon novels, which I hope to be able to announce officially soon.

I beheld my 2025 thriller/horror/sci-fi novel Atacama's finished cover and it is absolutely stunning, unlike anything I've seen before. I can't wait for the cover reveal!

Doomflower, my 2025 vicious campy horror novel, edits began this past week, so I should be receiving those copyedits soon. And I do look forward to seeing its cover as well! I've got a couple of review blurbs for it already and I'll share those soon.

The Week Ahead

This is a short school week, as we have Labor Day as a holiday on Monday. The teens are back in school (the older one just started college!) and the autumn routine is settling in. If only the weather would! It's going to be dangerously hot this week, and I'm officially over summer.

In the meantime, it's back to more edits on the anthology, and I'm hoping we have more Stars and Sabers book news to announce very soon...

Wishing you a lovely start to September!

Write on!