Words Fall Like Rain

My emphasis is on getting the work done. The editing can happen after.

Words Fall Like Rain
Rain-dappled roses. Photo by Jendia Gammon Copyright 2024

When inclement weather changes plans, adjust your writing accordingly.

Write on Time

Today was not supposed to be a writing day for me; nor was Saturday. Yet on Saturday, the weather fizzed and sputtered, and I wasn't quite able to do some of the things I'd planned.

So I wrote.

Carving out the Time

I am a high-volume writer when time permits. And my schedule is complex, with school runs, work deadlines, sleep disruptions, chores, cooking, etc. In other words, "life stuff". I'm nowhere near the point of being able to write fiction full time. It's likely I never will be.

Undeterred, when a moment opens, I take it. This is how I've operated since my children were small, and how I "carved out the time" to write after they'd gone to sleep for the night. Now they're teens, their schedules are nothing alike, and someone is always up, it seems, either late at night or early in the morning. Theoretically I do sleep!

As for writing, I am not the writer to tell you to write every day. Because I don't; so why would I advise it? If you operate well by doing that, then go for it. But many writers I know, like myself, have other demands on our time and we must block off certain times. But they can't be every day; not in my case, at any rate.

A Sprint and a Marathon

I am a sprinter as well as a marathoner when it comes to writing. I have the long game of finishing a novel, but I try to wrap them up within two months or perhaps three. In the final act I tend to blast for several thousands of words quickly, and the pace of the novel accelerates accordingly as well. That's how I operate; I am a very fast typist and highly focused when my writing time opens up.

Get the Draft Done

I do not hesitate to edit much as I go beyond glaring errors. My emphasis is on getting the work done. The editing can happen after. Some people call this the vomit draft or the zero draft; I call it another job, and that is what it is for me. I can't edit something that isn't finished without that slowing the process down.

Removing Distraction

I cannot listen to anything while I write. Before, yes. I'm constantly inspired by music, but I only listen to it before I write, or after; never during the process. I try to create a zone of zero distractions. I make sure my desk or tabletop is clear. I put my phone on "do not disturb" or "work" modes, depending on the time of day.

I make sure I am wearing comfortable clothing, not too tight, not too hot, etc. I have a glass of water at hand.

And then I go for it.

When I am in writing mode, the words fall like rain. Sometimes a downpour, other times a drizzle. But down they go, where they are needed, and from there the story sprouts and takes off.

A Diverse Reservoir

When I'm in "go" mode and those words pour out, that is one mode of my writing, but it is not the only one.

I'm always writing in my mind. Sometimes, when I get a scene just write in my thoughts, and I'm away from my computer, I'll use my phone app and dictate what I can into my Notes app. Or if I'm out and about and have a pen and paper handy, the same thing applies.

Sometimes I will use pen and paper at night so that I am not using a screen close to bedtime.

Either way, I use several methods to capture my words before turning on the tap, so to speak, into the draft document.

Rainy Day Fund

I don't wait for foul weather to write, but it does offer a more contemplative atmosphere sometimes. I do write by the window, so that I get daylight, no matter the weather. That keeps my energy level and mood high, and offers me a chance to rest my eyes while I gaze outside at what's going on.

All of these acts are restorative and help me to be a more relaxed and, honestly, more productive writer.

Write on!